Project H.E.L.P
Help Encourage, Love People
Extreme poverty in the state of Penang was successfully eradicated in 2009. However, Penang is experiencing rapid urban expansion and the earnings of the working class may not necessarily catch up to their inevitable increasing living expenses. Thus, a new form of poverty known as the ‘urban poor’ has surfaced over the years
While our local government made deliberate efforts to ease the burden of the ‘urban poor’, we as neighbours to other fellow Malaysians can make a decision to make a difference in the lives of those in need too. Project H.E.L.P aims to do that by providing necessities and groceries aid to underprivileged individuals, families or communities.
We aim to do one Project H.E.L.P every quarter of the year at different underprivileged communities and estates that have been suggested to us or identified by our task force. With the assistance of community representatives such as ‘Majlis Pengurusan Komuniti Kampung’ (MPKK), ‘Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri’ (ADUN), or ‘Persatuan Penduduk’, we are able to identify families under the B40 category, single parents, elderly and handicapped individuals as recipients of the groceries aid from Project H.E.L.P.
It is our desire to develop Project H.E.L.P further to a more effective and consistent aid and to increase the number of families and communities that would benefit from this project. As such, sponsorship from non-perishable food or hygiene care suppliers and distributors and contributions from companies and individuals could help us expand the impact of Project H.E.L.P.